Original Paintings by Marsha Rusk

"Hands and Apple study" "Caribbean Queen" "Casey"
"Earth" "Water"
      "Grandpa Hare on Otter Lake"
"Sleeping Lady Mountain/Alaska Range"
"Girls In The Hall" "Functionally Illiterate"
"The Photographer" "Appalachian Hollow Day" "Rx Tranquility"
"Hot Date" "Spirit Field" "Brown's Bobcats"
"The Vision" "Keith's Dragon" "An Undersea Mural"
"Sunset at the Frozen Matanuska River" "Birdie Buddies"
"How Would You Feel If ..." "Manumission" "Marisa's Fireball"
"Rose Among The Thorns" "The Lost Penny" "The Fruitful Life"
"Anchorage Port: It Beats Going To The Bars" "His Glory"
"Danielle" "Sea Saw" "Grotto" "Into Night"
"The Water Wheel" "Don't Waste Water" "High Rollers"
"Barn At Pioneer Point" "Sea Ghosts" "The Forgotten Mother"
"The One That Didn't Get Away" "Winter Bondage" "Turnagain Trail"
"Gonna Catch a Fairy" "Outer Galaxy" "The Ragsdale Coat of Arms"
Terra Cotta Sculpture

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