Tennessee AIM & SEAL (South Eastern Anti-desecration League)

  Please add your prayers and support to issues that affect all of us
  now and in the future.  Join us in the struggle, join us in the victory, 
  however long it takes --  we will stand strong, together!
  We are making a difference in the future now!
  Tennessee has a significant Native American population at
  approximately 10,000 people as well as numerous occupation and 
  burial sites, yet has no reservation.  Rights issues and programs for 
  Native Americans are  virtually NON-EXISTENT.

  We are "in struggle" to establish:
  * Health Services: The United South and Eastern Tribes' home office is
  in Nashville but no Native American health clinic exists in Tennessee.
  Our goal is to establish a facility easily accessible to all Native 
  * Substance Abuse Services:  None.  We are striving to obtain a grant
  begin such a program for Native Americans in need.  Meanwhile our
  continues to support sobriety and helps support individuals who come
  assistance in any way we can.
  * Food, Clothing and Toy drives:  Throughout the year we conduct
  to collect not only survival type items, but also toys and educational
  items for Native American children.  
  * Prison Programs:  Tennessee has 23 institutions and few people to 
  administer any programs for the many Native American people's needs.  
  Most Native Americans imprisoned in our state do not have the same 
  religious rights as the other prisoners.   Our goal is to establish a 
  network across the state and assist in implementing a workable program
  of religious practice.
  * S.E.A.L (South Eastern Anti-desecration League), our sister 
  organization, is working on the serious issue of grave desecration in 
  Tennessee as well as the southeastern states.  This is something our 
  group has serious concern about for the heritage of this state and the
   entire southeast region!  We are lobbying to strengthen grave 
  desecration laws in Tennessee and monitoring sites being desecrated.
  Our concern is about both commercial development and outright ghoulish
  grave robbery.  
  Okay, how can I help?
  So much to do, so few hands!  We need Volunteers, Coordinators, 
  Lobbyists, Your prayers, yourself at the meetings and prayer circles
  to learn more, find out specifically how you could do something to
  make   a difference!!!!!!!  We are not funded by anyone.  We have been a
  group of concerned citizens operating a grassroots type of LETS GET IT DONE!
  operation for years - this means our members (and leadership) funds
  the "bills" out of their own pockets.  It does take green money to operate
  phone bills, transportation and other forms of communication gets
  people where they need to be and gets the message out promptly.  
   * Telephone campaigns, networking and/or Mailings (I can make phone 
    calls, fax campaigns, or other) please indicate ____________________.
  * Help organize upcoming events, fund raising, grants, etc.________ 
  * Transportation, Shipping, Driving, Hosting travelers ____________
  * Other areas of expertise, tools or contacts ____________________
  * I am enclosing $______ for TNAIM's continuing effort
  * I will come to meetings to express my support (and I'll bring
Mail This form to:  

1595 Skaggs Branch Rd.
Whitleyville, TN